Wetaskiwin Airport: How should the operations be governed?

Consultation has concluded

How should operations at the Wetaskiwin Airport be governed or managed?

The City of Wetaskiwin currently owns and operates the Wetaskiwin Airport. City Council has directed City Administration to explore options for governance of the airport. The City would retain ownership of the airport grounds and buildings, however, there may be alternative ways the airport operations can be governed or managed.


A presentation was made to City Council at the April 12, 2021 Committee of the Whole—as information. View the agenda item from the April 12 meeting on our civicweb portal.

Survey Results

The full survey results can be found in the documents section of this page. In summary, the survey found that the those who use the airport are pilots, with 25% owning an aviation based business with 83% of those businesses being located in Wetaskiwin. The occupation of these businesses ranged from aviation, aircraft repair, recreational aviation, certification, and more. The majority of respondents (39.6%), when asked, would prefer a non-profit airport authority governance model for operations at the Wetaskiwin Airport. Making no changes or maintaining the status quo was the second option with the most votes at 25%.

Additionally, the majority of respondents (75%) do not own a hanger property at the City of Wetaskiwin Airport. Out of those who do, however, 58.3% would support the formation of a Hanger Owners Association.

Thank you to all of those who took the time to complete the survey and share your input.

View Full Survey Results

Council Decision: Maintain Status Quo until Airport Master Plan is Completed

City Council voted to maintain the status quo for airport governance until the Airport Master Plan is completed during their August 16, 2021 Regular Council meeting.

Watch the council meeting on the City of Wetaskiwin YouTube channel.

What is the Airport Master Plan?

The Airport Master Plan is a plan that is currently being developed to ensure that the Airport is operating to meet all safety and regulatory requirements, and to plan fiscally responsible asset management of the high-cost Airport capital infrastructure, while meeting the needs of the aviation community. The long-term master plan conducted by a third-party consulting firm specializing in Airports will provide recommendations on setting attainable and sustainable long-term business development goals and revenue generating strategies, and asset management planning guidance that aligns with the long lifespans’ expectations of much of the Airport’s capital infrastructure.

The Airport Master Plan will provide the strategic plan for the airport; providing the 5-year business plans directional guidance for development of strategic alignment focused goals and services.

The development of an Airport Master Plan was prompted when City Council expressed a need for an Airport Master Plan as an action item within the City's Strategic Plan.

How should operations at the Wetaskiwin Airport be governed or managed?

The City of Wetaskiwin currently owns and operates the Wetaskiwin Airport. City Council has directed City Administration to explore options for governance of the airport. The City would retain ownership of the airport grounds and buildings, however, there may be alternative ways the airport operations can be governed or managed.


A presentation was made to City Council at the April 12, 2021 Committee of the Whole—as information. View the agenda item from the April 12 meeting on our civicweb portal.

Survey Results

The full survey results can be found in the documents section of this page. In summary, the survey found that the those who use the airport are pilots, with 25% owning an aviation based business with 83% of those businesses being located in Wetaskiwin. The occupation of these businesses ranged from aviation, aircraft repair, recreational aviation, certification, and more. The majority of respondents (39.6%), when asked, would prefer a non-profit airport authority governance model for operations at the Wetaskiwin Airport. Making no changes or maintaining the status quo was the second option with the most votes at 25%.

Additionally, the majority of respondents (75%) do not own a hanger property at the City of Wetaskiwin Airport. Out of those who do, however, 58.3% would support the formation of a Hanger Owners Association.

Thank you to all of those who took the time to complete the survey and share your input.

View Full Survey Results

Council Decision: Maintain Status Quo until Airport Master Plan is Completed

City Council voted to maintain the status quo for airport governance until the Airport Master Plan is completed during their August 16, 2021 Regular Council meeting.

Watch the council meeting on the City of Wetaskiwin YouTube channel.

What is the Airport Master Plan?

The Airport Master Plan is a plan that is currently being developed to ensure that the Airport is operating to meet all safety and regulatory requirements, and to plan fiscally responsible asset management of the high-cost Airport capital infrastructure, while meeting the needs of the aviation community. The long-term master plan conducted by a third-party consulting firm specializing in Airports will provide recommendations on setting attainable and sustainable long-term business development goals and revenue generating strategies, and asset management planning guidance that aligns with the long lifespans’ expectations of much of the Airport’s capital infrastructure.

The Airport Master Plan will provide the strategic plan for the airport; providing the 5-year business plans directional guidance for development of strategic alignment focused goals and services.

The development of an Airport Master Plan was prompted when City Council expressed a need for an Airport Master Plan as an action item within the City's Strategic Plan.